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Community Supported Agriculture

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How important is food to you? How important is buying good, local, fresh food that not only supports and nourishes you but, also supports nearby producers, businesses and your community?

The team at Dirt Crazy is all about reconnecting people with real food, local food and local farms.

Now as the general public are becoming more educated about where their food comes from, how it’s grown and transported, and the environmental impacts all this has, we hope to offer a product that tick all the right boxes.

  • More sustainable land management and ecological practices

  • More transparent food production

  • Less plastic packaging requirements

  • Less kilometers traveled 

  • Stronger and resilient environment 

  • Stronger, healthier communities

  • A focus on training and education

What a fantastic way to build on community and help local our economies, all whilst being eco-friendly, sustainable and having a very low environment and carbon footprint. Communities are seeing the need to come together now more than ever in these changing times and purchasing local.

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