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Grass Fed Lamb The full Story

Why Is Grass-fed Lamb Better For Us?

It is frequently stated that 100% grass-fed is better for us, better for the animal, and better for the environment. But why?

In general, when “experts” express the health issues of eating meat they are referring to grain-fed ruminants, not grass-fed. The research suggests that the health problems associated with eating meat are real problems with the meat from ruminants (e.g., cattle, sheep, goats) fed grain concentrates. Even a small amount of grain in the diet destroys the benefits of grass according to a 2009 US Clemson University study .

Scientists who compared grass-fed lamb meat with grain-fed lamb meat in a feedlot found that “lambs grazing in pasture had 14% less fat and about 8 % more protein compared to grain-fed lamb.”  Grass-fed lamb meat is also an excellent source of vitamin B-12, niacin, zinc, and a good source of iron. While other red meats, such as goat meat, offer those nutrients as well, grass-fed lamb meat stands out with a comparatively high nutritional benefits. Grass-fed lamb meat has one of the highest levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids, both heart-healthy fatty acids with anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, anti-fat properties.

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Why is grass fed better for the animal?

Ruminants were designed to eat a biodiverse mixed pasture, this may include both native and introduced grasses, herbs, forbs as well as browse and hay. Some of the reasons grains and other concentrates (barley, wheat, corn, soy, and their byproducts) are added to ruminant diets is because these ingredients are relatively inexpensive and convenient to use and result in fast growth. But a high grain and concentrate diet requires the microflora of the ruminants gut to change significantly to accommodate the dietary change and often causes metabolic disorders.

 Why is grass fed better for the environment?

Sustainable agriculture practices long term resource management. Plants and animals are crucial to sustainable agriculture but the wrong combination or density can have a devastating effect on the environment. Some of the damages caused by intense farming include soil erosion, structural changes to vegetation and soil, hydrological change to soil and water systems, and compaction of the soil. Certain farming practices such as deforestation, ploughing or burning off grasslands and clearing timber and hedgerows accelerate this damage. This means decisions on diversifying crops, maintaining and improving soil, and controlled grazing of pasture is critical. Sustainable production is not a one-plan-for-all but instead, a way of life that requires an individualized vision, plan and implementation of steps specific to each farm.

In the past, land was managed to achieve maximum economic productivity. This is increasingly changing to an emphasis on caring and improving the biodiversity of the soil, plant, water and animal habitats. Sustainable management depends a great deal on understanding the biological processes involved in soil, plant and animal health. Research has shown that the inclusion of grazing animals in sustainability plans helps to repair soil and plant degradation caused by intense farming systems. This is counter to some of the past beliefs that grazing is harmful to the environment.

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